Update on the Dicksons: Back in South Carolina
Every now and then on the blog I like to give a simple update on our life for those that might interested.
Ash and I are officially back in South Carolina now, living in Anderson, SC, and are beginning to settle into this new season of life. I have continued my work with a non-profit organization, Clayton King Ministries, while remaining a full-time student, pursuing my Masters in Professional Counseling. I begin my residency with a mental health center in January, and I am extremely excited (and nervous) about that. With Clayton King Ministries, I have continued my work as Discipleship Director, while also officially being added to the speaking circuit with the ministry. I am humbled and honored to be added to a list of men and women, past and currently, who have affected my life in profound ways. You can go to the link below if you'd like to check it out, or even if you would like to request me to come speak at your church, youth group, small group, weekend retreat, organization, etc. With this blog, I oftentimes wish I could do more to be an encouragement to my readers, but I believe traveling as a speaker with Clayton King Ministries could be a way I could see that happen. I would love the opportunity to bring the hope and healing that I often write about on this blog to you as a speaker. http://www.claytonking.com/zachdickson
Ash works with a church in Anderson, SC called NewSpring church, and she absolutely loves her job. We prayed that Ash would find a job she loved, and that was definitely answered with her new role at NewSpring Church. We are very thankful.
We bought our first home, and it has been the best/worst decision we ever made. There is so much that goes down in owning a home that I could not have foreseen, but as it s-l-o-w-l-y becomes 'our' home, we get more and more excited about the potential that this space could be for us, our family, friends, and neighbors.
We also have been blessed with another furry responsibility, and he is a yellow Lab/Golden mix. He is the cutest terror that has ever lived. His name is Dabo and he wants to meet you, so that you can be his best friend. (For those that know them, our outside/porch kitties, Sox and Oliver, are doing great now, as they have adjusted to the new 'pride-lands,' with new neighborhood lions...I mean cats.)
There is obviously a lot more that I could update you on, and I know that is a very surface-level update, but I at least wanted to bring you into the loop for those that care about me and Ash's daily life. Pray for us as we continue to adjust to life back in South Carolina. Let us know how we can pray for you.
borrowing hope,